Saturday, January 26, 2008

Duck Eggs and Fried Goldfish

I know this is two entries in one weekend, but I just had to write about my dinner. I was lucky enough to be invited to a large dinner this evening being put on by the owners of a local manufacturing business. The company was celebrating their 30th anniversary. I went along since I knew that one of the Thai women and the one Chinese teacher both could translate for me. Let me tell you what I learned tonight about Thai culture: Thai people love to party and entertain. Tonight was no exception to that rule. Thais also love to eat and to feed their guests well. From the moment we sat down at our table and were served appetizers until we got up to leave 3 1/2 hours later, food was being served to us. I can't begin to list everything but some of it was really interesting and some of it was just plain good. On the appetizer tray there were what looked like globs of sour apple bubble gum (something I've had some experience scrapping off the bottom of school desks). They turned out to be the best little dumplings I've ever had. I am very clumsy still with my chopsticks but I reminded everyone that we are all teachers and they should be helping me rather than laughing at me.

I also had some delicious prawns (Samutsakorn is a fishing port) and glass noodles. The duck was roasted and had a wonderful rich taste. There was a roasted pork leg, a platter of rice, as well as a fish that was on a platter with one eye looking up at me. I'm happy to report that the eye didn't deter me and that Mr. Fish was tender and flaky cooked with peppers, garlic, and basil. There was also a mixed fish and pork dish that was very tasty until my interpreter told me I was eating little fish. All I could think of were the kids' goldfish in the tanks at school. Didn't care for that dish. Back to ol' fish eye. There were 2 soups, one of which the Chinese girl swore to me translated as belly of the fish, but it tasted good. The other was Tom Yum. Finally there was a fruit plate to finish off the meal: fresh grapes, guava slices, and slices of what looks sort of like an apple and tastes sort of like an apple, but isn't an apple. But it's good too. So, it's 11pm and I'm so full I'm fighting to stay awake to finish writing this before tomorrow when I forget some of the things I ate. It was a great time and all the food made me wish my friend Gayle was here with me. She's a chef and would have really enjoyed the culinary show. And my friend Pam would have knocked out one of the waiters and taken him out back to get his apron for her Coke collection. I've got to find a way to buy one of those for her before I leave (it's easy to recognize the Coke logo but it's all in Thai).

Ok, gotta go and get some sleep. Lots of work to do tomorrow, and like I said, my belly is full and I'm sleepy. Sure hope those fermented duck eggs don't keep me up tonight.

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