Saturday, January 12, 2008

The 5 Senses of Thailand

It's another beautifully perfect day here in Samut Sakorn. Outside this morning I walked around the campus just admiring all the flowers and trees. It's incredible. This is definitely a place that excites all the senses. Here's my take on the subject.

SIGHT: red, orange, pink, yellow: all the brightest colors you can imagine seem to explode here in Thailand. From the flowers to the clothes to the food arranged in the open market stalls, hot bright colors are everywhere.

SOUND: horns honking: no matter where I go in this country, from Bangkok to Thung Song to Udon Thani, you hear horns - car horns, bus horns, and definitely motorcycle horns. But not angry horn honking like in crowded US cities (I admit to taking part in that a time or two). It's more like a polite warning sound as if to say, "Please notice that I'm back here about to pass you so you'd better move over and give me room."

SMELL: So many new smells everywhere, but one that remains a constant will always mean Thailand to me - Joss Sticks. There are little temples everywhere, big ones too. And all of them have burning Joss Sticks.

TASTE: Sweet, spicy, and hot. And frequently all three come in the same bite! I love it.

TOUCH: The one thing you seem to feel no matter where you go in the Land of Smiles is the sun. It's as if he rides just over your shoulder at all times and you wear this extra layer of warmth. In the early cool mornings of this time of year he feels good on your shoulders. By midday he's burning into your skin again. I understand so much better now why Thai people seek out even the smallest amount of shade.

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