Sunday, March 9, 2008

A Change in the Seasons

Back home they were hit with a big snow. Looks lovely and cold. I always like snow - especially if there's enough to give us a snow day. But it's almost the middle of March and soon the snows will give way to green grass and tulips. Here in Thailand we are about to change seasons too. The locals have warned me that there are only 3 seasons here: hot, hotter, hottest. We are just about to go into the hottest season. I went out to walk to the market around lunch time today and I got a taste of what they mean. The heat just bores down on you. Gave up the idea of walking and caught a motorcycle taxi. Did all my shopping in the shade and had a motorcyle bring me back. I've been back in my room under the fan since then. And this is just the beginning!

Seems the heat may have driven one of our neighbors up looking for some cool shade Friday. One of the teachers who lives on the first floor of the dorm went home at lunch to eat. When she stepped out on her patio to smoke a cigarette one of the wild cats that hang out around the building started hissing at something near the wall. Just about that time the neighbor, a hooded cobra, raised up and hissed back at the cat. Somehow in all the excitement she thought to grab her camera and get a picture. Not sure I would have been so calm. She promises to send me a copy of the picture and I will post it here as soon as I get it. In the meantime, I'm glad I live on the 2nd floor. Meant to look up cobras and see if they can climb. No, don't think I want to know. More later. Bye for now.

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