Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Observation - Evaluation - Immigration

Wow! It's been a busy week already and it's only Tuesday night.

Came in Monday morning to learn that I was being evaluated by a director of an English program at a school in Bangkok as well as my department head. I won't lie and say I didn't notice they were in the room, but there was certainly no time to come up with some spectacular lesson to wow them. All the better for an honest evaluation. And mine was very good. I got some good tips as well from someone who's been in EFL for a while and a brief discussion of how very different this is from ESL. So, a big surprise, but it ended well. At the end of the day I learned that I would be leaving the school on Tuesday after my morning class to go to immigration in Bangkok to update/change my visa. Whoopee!

Luckily I was able to ride to Bangkok in a school van which probably cut one to two hours off the trip. Plus, there was no parking problem. I was also lucky to have my Thai friend from the office (who speaks very good English) going along with me.

Lots of lines. Lots of forms. Pasting those horrid camera shop photos to the forms. More lines, take a number, etc., etc. But 3 hours later we emerged victorious. Still, I will admit that without my friend along it would have been a daunting task. Even with her along, it felt a bit overwhelming. Glad that's behind. Next big deal this week? Happy Chinese New Year!

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